How to Dressup a Day For Your Productive Buisness Work.

How to Dressup a Day For Your Productive & Buisness Work.

This is the process of making yourself productive and make your day much batter for your work and the way to boost your work hours to produce productivity do follow to be a leader of your work.

Most Important Things To Save Time Save Yours By Following Them: 

Creat a To Do list in Nights.

  1. In Each and Every Night Write Down Your Most Important Task in To-do List.
  2. Write Down Your Predicted Time Wasting Things, Like Phone usage, People's, Useless Works.

Verify your Task or Free Time Usage.

  1.  Verify Did You Created Right Tasks That will increase your Works and yours productivity.
  2. Verify will you use your free time with right things or right people's to don't let it waste, or Verify if you'll use mobile so what would it be.

Try To sleep Early and rise Early, this will save you too much time.

  1. Try to finish your work before others work and Do Workout Before 3 hours of your Sleep, to get quality Sleep.
  2. Eat well to Wake-up Early, and Dring 1 Litre Water before sleep in 6 Glasses.

Don't waste your precious learning hours.

  1. Learn things with your full focus, and don't waste it to think useless things and be aware to search them, that will took you all time with you.
  2. Try to think on paper, otherwise you thoughts will create many illusions and problems but not their solution, and it will became a reason of your quit.

Don't loose  working hours in Useless things.

  1. When you'll do your work in your working hours your brain will send you triggers and useless thoughts to do for no reason, understand it's not important on this time.
  2. Try to finish your work first instead of others, you can do this when you find or creat a working place for your work.

Use Risk Criu And Reward System.

  1. This thing is best way to Build Productivity, Good Habits, Consistency with Discipline.
  2. if you like to play games Play you favourite Game after finishing you 1 important Task from the To-do list, or if you like to scroll on social media do this same.

Hang Out with Like-minded People's.

  1. You have to Know The big and Biggest Companies Run ads and Campaign of Crores only for your Attention, Like You Saw a AD of a Car this means they Spend 2000 just For Your Attention, Understand the value of your Attention so pay it on Right place with right people's or things.
  2. Hang out Like-minded or Someone who achieved his Goal People's will never judge you for your silly mistakes they will make you much productive because they know how they started.

Focus on Big and Daily Tasks.

  1. You have to Firstly focus and finish your most important and big tasks of daily To-do List, with consistency this will slowly make your dreams comes true.
  2.  Big tasks will slowly become small daily habits if you focus on your daily tasks, and success will be your habit.

Again Verify Your Time.

  1. Again Verify your Time did you performed well in your working hours or what mistakes did you creat, where you loose important time how it can be solved and recovered, and how to avoid mistakes like that.
    1. Again Verify your time with your tasks did you finished your all the important daily task with your time if not so what was the reason, did I  I added a lot of tasks to my list in the flow of enthusiasm.

Must read

In the Conclusion.

A day of life is very important it's not true your today will be same like your Yesterday, It can be bad or Good. But you have to know you have a new day of creativity, love and mistakes it's a new day to done new, important tasks create precautions of your old mistakes.
A day of life bring too much things too many new or old peoples their new face of Truth' or Their and your Character how you'll creat it much better than yesterday, it's something new something great and something big.
Always be ready for daily surprises.

Come again Well meet soon...!

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