The helping Paw.

The Helping Paw Hand.

A person should be self dependent for his own help, because he is the only one who can help himself,. In this era of (Ghor Kalyug) no one needs to help anyone they wanted to see them to be succeed without any efforts. But when another's put their efforts they also make them loose.

The Paw we find as Helping Hand.

We commonly find these hands from our friends, relatives, elders, Neighbour, our your ones, or everybody without yourself.
It's the biggest mistake that we do by supposing any another one would help you and give their hands for forever, they only can do this for a few time but not always.

Things you should prepare!

You should prepare your own strength, belige, your actions, your health, your growth, your actions on your sudden problems.
But you should understand we don't have that much problem which we creat in our imaginary mind, so being present is a key for golden life.

What to do when you suffer and no one wants to help you?

So you should understand it's also a best gift you are having, if you are not being helped when you wants others most but you know if you once tried, so you cannot loose it. So it's the golden path for your powerful brain, body, thoughts, health and everything you suppose to have, it's a best thing that makes you mature and powerful. Because,
When you wanted someone too much so you had expectations and having expectations and getting hearted is also the worst feeling you can suffer from and then you'll understand all those feelings are temporary.

In the Conclusion.

There is no conclusion for suffering, there is only power to achive and lessons to learn by your mistakes and others mistakes but the path should be your own, and never let anyone threat it from you. Listen feelings are really temporary because If we things feelings are harsh and hard so we cant conquer them. We will stay stuck in these illusions feel the pain, understand the illusion, achive your goals how much soon you can achive.

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