The Unknown Future

The Sudden Change.

Sometimes you enjoying your days and time then suddenly everything turn on like your future got cooked out your Life became Hell, Like incidents, accidents, loosing someone, loosing your self, change of thoughts etc.
So being mysterious is important and making predictable is also important for your sudden or long term future. See how it's works.

What is sudden future?

The Sudden future is the result of your past of current actions that can be comes as a positive action or a negetive reaction, that effect your current being and have the potential to change a lot and gain or loose a lot. 

How does it effect your normal life?

It's effect your current well being in positive, negetive or neutral way, like sometimes your past actions changes your current being, without informing you about it, that can be sudden death, wealth lost, health lost, feelings lost, or in Happy Way.

You started feeling positive, being loved, having lottery, being viral, getting sudden gifts, etc but positive feelings are temporary for comfortable people's,.

How to predict sudden future Changes?

You have to focus on your current actions and overthinkers mostly predict their future correctly because of observation skills and searching things, and connecting points with their future life but their current and post actions.

This may help you when you are in a trouble or you know you can be in trouble so trying these things may make the future predictable.

How gain calculated future results?

The Observation and Predictions skills are the most appropriate answers of becoming future calculator and having better results with your actions and have better results to change them.

You can use OTJR
Observe, Think, Joint Points, Recheck them and have the Calculated results.

It may make you look like Very much overthinkers and mad but the overthinker can know everything about ever one he want, and have a very better future.

Calculated future is good Mostly when you are driving, racing, experimenting, recreating or things the are important and can harm.

In The Conclusion...!

The Sudden future with The Calculated results is a best thing to be safe and achieve things as you want and became better and earn experience.
You have to know where it can help you and how much it's making you powerful then be continue.
The Sudden future may happen but it's good for sometimes to have a surprise.

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"We Will Meet Again."

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