How to be Productive | How to remove our Distractions & Diverted Mind and Be Productive in Your Work

How to Shift our Distracted, Procrastinator and Diverted Mind into Your Productive Solution Machine.

A Mind is A labyrinth of puzzles, where every thought is a move, and every emotion a strategy, that plays with us and do weaving of intricate tapestry of challenges and surprises but most of the time it's weaving Diverted and distractible thoughts in our working hours. Your actions much important than your thinking to be successful and increase your productivity the only secret of success is to work until it's done today.

The Major Points of Distractions and Decreasing In Productivity.

Your Overthinking Skills.

We have a habit of overthinking but it can be give good and productive result when we use our overthinking skills on right place. Like over thinking on paper with our financial problems, our relation, our buisness model etc. Our brain have power to solve most complex solution, computers and quantum world is a great example of that.

Your Procrastinator Behaviour.

If we found any hard thing in our work we stop doing it for ou laziness, we should practice our work of the hard thing daily, it will make everything easy not in a day but definitely daily. When you feel procrastination just do your work on that time only for 5 minutes. Create a cool and productive working area, that will increase your productivity and remove Procrastination.

Your Bad Habits.

You should try daily to leave your bad habits by thinking less about them. And take day gaps for you work that will remove your bad habits slowly. And also leave these people's who stucked in bad habits, and also try to include you in their bad habits.

Your Lust.

Lust is also not too bad thing, it's a part of human behaviour you can't leave them but you can take it positively and think it's your imagination so you'll never stuck in it for a long. But if your lust started taking control over you you have to take 15 minutes break think for a minute about it, is it that thing what will give much profit for you. If your Future childs saw that would they feel proud in your and will your parents feel proud to see your this bad phase...

Your Family Problems.

Always try to take you side to your family problems if they are regular, understand your parents your problems would decrease, and you should make precautions for family arguments. Remember Every family member once experienced family problems they looks bad, looks weird, seems like they'll make you mad, look like need to leave the world but if you still handling them you are becoming very powerful. 

Your Bad Relationship.

Understand your relation are they toxic distracting you from your important goals or if they have total opposite mindset than you so don't be open in front of them these things will allow them to manipulate you and distract you easily.

Your Laziness.

To remove your Laziness you should try to be in cold and calm surroundings, you should enjoy the process of Life. Eat well, learn well, wear well and fir and frequently exercising for 10 minutes only in a day will remove your Laziness and taking cold bath of cold face wash will increase your Productivity.

Your Lost Attention.

Again try to pay attention in one place once, if you lost your attention in front of anyone so listen them and their each word carefully this practice will increase your attention rate and if you lost your attention during your work try to be creative and weaving Different ideas and thoughts as your work it will increase the quality of your work and increase your lost attention.

Your Social Media Scrolling Skills.

Always know what you are seeing and putting as stuff in your brain are they worthy to use for big minded person like you. Are they have really importance in your life and don't open social media when you feel low you start low and you'll end low. Use social media or scroll as a reward, when you finished any one task or your important work.

Your Time Wasting Skills.

Don't waste your time without knowing what are you doing. Always notice every short and each thing of life because you are not like others, You should not leave your coming work and day to your mind. It is a bad auto piolate.

Your Self Doubt.

If you know what are you doing for and noticing each moment so you have to believe yourself you'll take right decision and if you have potential to put efforts so you'll never never take wrong decision. Self Believe is much important than working in fear.

Your Fear of Starting Something.

In the age of 13-28 you have no boundaries to stop chasing your dreams or take risks you should try several things, without seeing their results because for a worrier only his efforts matters not the result atleast he die trying something. You should start believing in yourself and take a step for your passion or your New Idea. What will happen if you lost I think "Nothing" atleast you tried and earned Experience..

Your Lack of Discipline.

Discipline in our field is not meant by go to bed early, waking up early, bathing daily, dressing well, only listen don't ask questions, do every give Home Work...
Real discipline is doing the most important work you know doesn't matters how hard it's looks to you. Living daily with working constantly in your dreams fulfilling your goals need. You can create discipline to add daily important tasks which will improve you and your work daily. Thats the key of Success.

Your Cheap-Minded Circle.

You should hang out with only these friends or people's who have same mindset like you or they are high thinker and have experience. They'll change your lifestyle slowly remove bad habits of yours because if you're in the group of 4 buisness owners so you'll be the 5th buisness owner. Always try to hangout with only quality people's or don't hang with anyone's.

Your Consumption of Useless Things.

The measurement of Usefull and Useless stuff is most important to improve your daily life and become highly productive, because our surrounding and the Stuff we Consume is matters in our working life. If you don't controle what you're seeing, you'll don't controle what you think if you don't controle what you are thinking you'll never work for yourself you'll work for your Laziness and Undisciplined self.

In The Conclusion.

Your whole life and your Future is depend on what you do today, what you consume today, what you thought today, your SelfBelieve your Discipline. You can have thought to quit but it's not the path of real mans the don't quit they fight or die trying. They always proud what they did today, they live life like it's the last day of their life. You should also implement these things in your Precious time for your better tomorrow and live life like a worrier if you die tomorrow you'll be able to feel proud for what you did today...!

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